
Encoded Biases & Future Imaginaries


This paper is the second in a series of three papers that explore the relationship between women in Africa today and Artificial Intelligence. Our Engendering AI report provided a broad overview of the state of AI in Africa and on women in Africa today, including an overview of the foundations and barriers impacting the development and integration of Artificial Intelligence on the continent. With the aid of these technologies which mark the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), Africa has an opportunity to propel development across various spheres of the economy and improve the lives of people living on the continent. However, there are risks of uneven growth and development which risk leaving out or worsening the situation of African women today. In this paper, we explore the threats and benefits Artificial Intelligence brings to African women in different sectors. We explore what it means to be an African woman today from a pre-colonial, colonial, and postcolonial lens and how the intersection of various forces of production and society give insight into the ways African women’slives are currently being and will continue to be impacted by this technology.