Towards Effective Data Governance in Africa (Progress, Initiatives and Challenges)


This comprehensive desk review delves into the state of data governance in Africa, spotlighting key aspects such as policy frameworks, regional collaborations, and capacity building. The continent's increasing reliance on digital systems has led to the enactment of data protection laws, yet challenges persist in implementation due to resource constraints and political complexities. Regional collaborations, particularly within the East African Community, Southern African Development Community, and Economic Community of West African States, underscore a collective commitment to effective data governance. The report emphasizes the crucial role of capacity building in nurturing skills essential for successful data management and ethics. Government initiatives, civil society engagement, and academia's contributions further highlight the multifaceted approach to advancing ethical data practices. Proactive efforts from diverse stakeholders underscore the transformative potential of robust data governance policies, emphasizing the need for targeted capacity building and stakeholder engagement to unlock the full potential of data for informed decision-making across the continent.