
Digital Rights Lab


The Digital Rights Lab is a creative virtual space for learning, exchanging ideas, and commemorating notable achievements in the field of digital rights for technologists, activists, scholars, and civic tech enthusiasts.




The Digital Rights Lab aims to increase the visibility of digital rights work as well as the experts who do the work by documenting, describing, and mapping their journeys and experiences.We seek to understand practitioners’ current state and capacity as they try to build their ideal vision of the internet and digital environments. We seek to create critical and thought-provoking dialogues by providing a leadership and exchange platform for digital rights practitioners through novel, specialized tactics. We accomplish this by mapping digital rights work, organizations, bodies of work, resources, and funders on an ongoing basis. We also look into the long-term support that digital rights activists, especially those in the Global South and in grassroots communities, need to move their work forward.

The Digital Rights Lab serves as a gathering place for professionals working in the field of digital rights at all stages of their careers to collaborate, hold one another accountable for their work and support each other through the sharing of resources. Through our coordinated actions, we want to help make sure that key issues within internet governance, freedom and rights are well-defined.

The Digital Rights Lab analyses digital rights and works with stakeholders in the fields of;

  • Access and Inclusion, Access to the Internet, Internet and Device Affordability, Internet Shutdowns, Digital Economy and Labor Rights;
  • Digital safety and security, protection of minors, online violence, cybersecurity, and gendered violence;
  • Data governance, Data Protection, Algorithmic Harms,Intellectual Property Rights, Open Data and Transparency;
  • Freedom of expression, communication and information, Censorship, Mis/dis/mal-information, Net neutrality/bias/discrimination and Digital Activism;
  • Privacy, anonymity, and identification, surveillance, right to anonymity, right to be forgotten, identity and identification, and encryption.
Our Approach

"We seek to create critical and thought-provoking dialogues by providing a leadership and exchange platform for digital rights practitioners through novel, specialized tactics"

- Digital Rights Lab


This project will release mulitple products accross multiple phases.